Who exactly is the Mojo imoprter????
If it's who I've heard through Chinese Wispers, they may be on Holiday????
Come on We have been mugged off for long enough in Karting and surely when the contract was signed by XXX (who ever that is!) The customer should have been consulted and and been let known nearer the time than WE ARE NOW!!!!!
Be honest, Grids are small, I watched the London Cup this year and it was small compaired to previous years! Why was that? A non championship round, a 1 off! No S1/Stars rounds clashing! But imbarrasingly small from previous years. Does this say something about the direction karting is taking financially???
I know Tilbury Jim (ex Dartford owner) still could buy any trye in the country for £25!!! IMPORTED!!!
Who's the mugs???????????????
OOOOPS, If you go down tilbury today you can buy a set of tyres, any european batch fron Jim for £60!!!!!!
Whats that tell you about UK karting today?