what he actually said was:
1) Both Parties got a 12 monther! Not just his son! It seems to be MSA policy to punish both parties involved in violent incidents (rightly or wrongly)
2) Sarcastic comments were made by others towards him and vice versa! Two wrongs don't make a right I'll admit.
3) As I said above, he was not the only one taken to the tribunal. You might not know, but general in x vs y cases, both parties do tend to have to go to tribunals!
4) Opinion is a very strong thing. You appear to be one of those who doesn't like him (that or you're just a bit of a knob) so you cannot comment neutrally on it.
Don't read what you want out of something. You seem to have picked the bits out of his post that you want to refer to and not what you don't want to hear! Politician by any chance?