hello there, i am new to karting (not new to motorsport by any strecth though) i bought my son a wright bambino in january and it has run faultlessly since, however recnetly i have been having a few problems, the kart is fitted with a 40cc (i think) bluebird engine which has run without fault for 4 months, i have never adjusted anything as i havnt needed to, my lad is only 4 so we are hardly competing at the top just yet, the problem im sure is a fuel related one, the kart just cuts out, generally it is from stand still though occasionally whilst moving, always whilst accelerating, i have stripped and cleaned the carb (a few times now) is has just spent the night in the parts washer and was spotless when rebuilt this morning, it has a brand new plug in (plus i have tried other new ones and used ones) the kart always starts first or second pull with half choke, i leave it ten seconds then knock choke off and it runs fine, ticks over lovely and pulls well, however after 5-10 mins it will start cutting out as previously mentioned, the fuel is mixed 50-1 as reccommened by swrd im at my witts end with as it isnt easy explainig to a 4 year old with speech dificulties that i cant fix it, any ideas any one? massive thanks in advance ben (and a disgruntled 4 year old jack)