I think that John's suggestion has a lor of merit. At the moment there are parents who are paying well over £10k for engines (the highest I have heard of is £32k for 2) so your `poor' kids will struggle to compete anyway. As for the club scene, there asre pleanty of clubs where you can contest the championship on a sensin ble budget - the people who are doing FKS and S1 tend only to race at club level at one or two meetings a year before the FKS/S1 rounds and that only covers about 10 tracks at most.
As for drivers being snapped up by F1 young driver programmes, I believe you will find that most F1 teams only start to take an interest when a driver is doing well in KF3 and then probably only on the European circuit. How many cadets do you know who have been signed up?
No matter what sport you choose. the `poor' kid will struggle to compete against the `rich' kid simply because a bigger budget allows you to get help from the best coaches/teams around but at the end of the day even a £million budget will not take someone with no ability to the top of motorsport. However, there are probably hundreds of very talented drivers who could have gone further if only their parents had more funds.