I think we may end up to agree to disagree.
From your post you clearly have done a lot for FKS and I applaud you. I have also done similar things related to my day job (albeit non-motorsport realted)
My stance with respect to the MSA's handling of this issue - and for that matter a lot of other things (eg. CMR helmets, bodywork homologation etc) - doesn't change because I consider that if the MSA are insisting that they are the SOLE governing body for our sport then they should set their stall out accordingly.
Reading their summary of accounts in "Motorsports Now" they would appear to have made £250k profit for 2009 (please correct me if I'm wriong). They could have engaged an outside organisation to perform surveys on their behalf (in fact I'd be quite prepared to perform that service for say £5k per annum to support my racing) but they choose not to do so. I don't consider that to be a profession way to deal with their customers.