really you should look after any engine...and kart for that matter between uses rather than just wheel it out, use it and then store it without touching it. Even with the 4-strokes if you leave fuel in the carb for weeks between uses it will slowly clog up the jets.
Basic maintenance, although yes the dellorto on the rotax is less tempremental!
ALSO: no-one has mentioned that all the kf engines stem from the KF4 BASE SPEC which uses a dellorto round slide carb! Any engine supplier should be able to get the manifold which will go straight on the kf3 engine and they will give you recomended jet sizes. KF3 engine for £300 with a rotax type carb set up and if your engine goes wrong you will prob be able to pick up another fpr LESS than the cost of a rebuild!
guess that was two point really but hey ho.