I'll try and answer as best I can.
- Which circuits around London and SE would allow this class of kart to participate in practice sessions? Rye House would probably be the best option. They'll take you.
- I understand that Class B Europa is not raced any more. Are there any other "open" series that would allow us to participate? Any club that runs ICC / KZ2 / 250 Gearbox would more than likely let you run off the back of their grid. Probably for no prizes, but great experience.
- There is a small plastic reservoir which connects to a gearbox with clear fuel line. Is it for clutch fluid(it is empty at the moment)? I'd imagine that was the overfill pot for gearbox oil.
- Is it possible to fit electric starter motor to this engine? As far as I was aware, Europas had an onboard starter. I'd imagine it would be easy to fit one anyway, speak to any Rotax driver about how theirs works.
- How many hours is engine supposed to last between rebuilds? Depends how hard you hammer it going up through gears. If your sensible, it should last plenty of time. But if your only using it for fun, keep checking it over after every session.
- Any supplier for spares? Unfortunately I don't know who does spares for Europa. I know Andy Fairless has dealt with them, so maybe get in touch with him. His details should be on the Companies Directory on here.