If you look again you should see that it is not my argument to compare seat stays to 'things like that'. It was him that said “don't dismiss anything try it all”. So I fail to see how it could show me up. It could only ever show him up. However I have no wish to show anyone up, only point out his poor reasoning.
It seems that he, you and dth07 assume I think seat stays make no difference. I have never said this. Unfortunately because of his assumption he dismissed me as stupid and not worth listening to. So my hypothesis, which isn't based on whether seat stays have an effect on handling, remains unheard. If anybody had asked I would have tried to explain. Then, because it is a hypothesis and therefore could be wrong, someone could have pointed out why my reasoning was flawed, and I could have learned something. Or perhaps my hypothesis is correct and he could have learned something. Because it is difficult to call someone stupid and not worth listening to, and then asking their opinion, my hypothesis will likely remain with me. Fortunately in this case my hypothesis, even if sound, is not going to make a huge difference to anyones karting. The next persons hypothesis might, of course, save seconds, or hundreds of pounds. So I hope at least you learn not to dismiss peoples opinion before you have heard it.