Far be it from me to be childish (!) but I could, of course, review your posting with a discerning eye and find missing semi colons, wrongly placed commas, the word ‘coes’ which should have been ‘goes’ and a missing comma... and THAT’s just the first line…
However, your advice was EXCELLENT and I REALLY wasn’t having a ‘dig’ at the misspelling of ‘Tal-Co’; I just knew that he’d never find the company or the web site if he didn’t have the correct spelling. Computers and 118118 or 118247 are less forgiving of misspelling than I am.
Errrrr.... and in your last posting.... what's the difference between the spellings of:
'Tal-ko' and 'Tal-ko'
For precision, it's 'neither' of those: it's actually 'Tal-Ko'... with a capitalised 'K'.