If it has a clutch in it at some point, your engine sprocket should be longer compared to other D/D sprockets, meaning it still has the clutched crank in it (can't see why anyone would ever want to change back to D/D crank) Anyway, you can do it all yourself. You need a sprocket holding spanner, to hold it why you undo the nut, DO NOT PUT A SPANNER ON THE IGNITION SIDE you will twist the crank, then your scre*ed. Then a sprocket pullewr to pull the sprocket off, Put the clutch on, you will need a clutch holding spanner, as you can't hold the sprocket on it. Tighten up the nut, i think there's a set torque, but not sure. Then your done =) You need to buy about 40-60 quids worth of tools to do it. Thats including the clutch puller, if you ever want to take it off. On the other hand, you can have your local kart shop do it for you. That way if your never going to take it off, you won't waste the money on all the tools. Dartford Karting said it would cost £10 plus VAT to take my clutch off and put a sprocket on, so if you already have the clutch, it should be about the same for you, unless they charge more =) Hope this helps, Thomas.........