The MSA have obviously taken a knee jerk reaction to the few instances of chassis rail protectors coming adrift, compare this to the many engine clamps flying off which I myself have been on the receiving end of, and to say it hurts just a tincy bit would be a whopper of a lie!! Not to mention screw drivers, allen keys, spanners, pliers, plug spanners, ratchets, if it's in your tool box there's every chance it can land on the track,& I even found a digital camera which looked like it had done 60 to 0 in 20 meters when walking the track once with my lad. This is a decision I feel has been taken without proper consultation or investigation, or any attempt to improve the way in which chassis rail skids are attached, we don't fit these things to our karts to make them go any faster, we're just protecting our investment to make karting affordable & competative, & if we aren't allowed to do this, then I'm afraid the MSA will be waving good bye to many Licence fees, not to mention the loss of revenue to all clubs from entry fees also, is this what they really want? Its time the MSA realised what it means to us all financially, if it means spending £30 on a set of rail skids & run the same chassis for 2 to 3 years or longer, or spend £2000 to £3000 on a new chassis & only afford to run it for a year, I know what I'll be choosing & many others also. To make my own situation worse, my youngest lad is/was due to start in Mini Max next year as well as my eldest who's already in Jnr Max, so my budget for next year hasn't doubled, it's just getting spread thinner!! So surely some of us up on high can get our heads together with the MSA & come up with a solution to this & not a flat ban