Hi, I sold my old kart via e-bay but got heavily ripped off!! I didn't get the bids I had hoped for, but was contacted directly by the highest bidder. I checked his feedback which was 100%. I really needed to sell my kart, and the guy seemed Ok to quote him " I must have your kart for my son but I only have £...." We made a deal I came down on the price and kept back a few items. A few days latter i was looking on e-bay and low and behold there was my kart broken up for spares etc. The guy had three other e-bay accounts in different names and he delt in s/h kart spares. He sold all "my" stuff for close to an £500 profit - I reported him to e-bay, they where not interested, I tried to leave a negative feedback, with no luck, seems that e-bay was more interested in the money form charges etc. "must have it for my son", what a crock. Just be aware, don't get caught like me