Hi all,
I am currently racing rotax max 125 on the Isle of Man and I am thinking of going over to the uk next year to do some racing (as well as the Isle of Man) but am not quite sure the right way to go about it.
I would like to go to various curcuits (don't know which ones as yet) to get more experience also, but not sure how, do i have to wait till there is an open championship running at the curcuit?
Could i go along and sign on for a club metting at their track for that day/s?
I would also like to try some championships, but still not sure what ones and what ones would be the best for me to start in?
Hey, i may come last, but would like to get the experience of it and also to possibly get onto the uk racing scene.
I would be grateful for your advice and comments on this, you can either post here or drop me an e mail at brian72@manx.net
Brian Drummond Rotax #72