Cumbria Kart Club put forward a formal proposal objecting to ABkC championships being taken to overseas circuits, for example BRDC Stars of Tomorrow visiting Genk, and this was seconded by Warden Law Kart Club. Malcolm Fell, for Cumbria, said: “Why is the ABkC allowing its National Championship for Super ICC to be taken overseas, when there are circuits in the UK operated by member clubs who have not been approached to run the event that the Championship runs within? These circuits and member clubs are capable of running such events, but have not been approached about their availability. ABkC Championships should not venture abroad unless and until all avenues within the UK have been exhausted.” Stars promoter Carolynn Hoy responded: “We went to Genk this year because we couldn’t find a date at a suitable British circuit. All the competitors wanted a return visit but I can drop the Super ICC in future years if that is the ABkC’s wish if indeed we go back after next year.” ABkC President Steve Chapman said it was more important to support British circuits but Peter Jones and Roger Abbey-Taylor both spoke in favour of putting driver’s interests first. After a vote it was decided on a majority that the new contracts from 2010 should have a clause inserted that all options within the UK are first explored before booking a meeting abroad.