Just to pick up on Proposal 1 of 6:
"These changes are currently draft proposals on which we’d like to hear further comment. They are not set in stone but we will make final decisions shortly. We also include the reasoning behind our suggestions and welcome your thoughts.
Proposal 1 Drop the requirement for homologated karts but specifically lay down criteria which must still be adhered to. Rear axles to be 30mm with only two bearings, castor/camber if fitted must be converted/fitted with central non adjusting bushes, torsion bars not permitted and must be removed if in original model. Allow free ride height at front and back, and do not allow front wheel brakes. To summarise, allow all karts in providing they conform to the same basic simple TKM chassis rules that all homologated karts run to. Price ceiling to still remain but at a more realistic level taking into account recent component price increases."
YES!!! This has to be an amazing opportunity for numbers of racers in TKM and also in 2stroke karting in general!
This regulation change, if enforced, will surely increase participation numbers significantly, with potential drivers then able to buy a second hand kart with engine for just the price of a couple of sets of tyres on mag rims!
Excellent set of proposals. No doubt, as Tal Ko say, not everyone will be happy about some of these regulations. However, the ones who are not happy could arguably be bordering on a move to the high technology world of Rotax etc.
Reminiscing about when I raced in TKM 11 years ago with 30+ grids at club meetings, the draw of TKM was that is was fast, close and exciting racing with basic but functional kit. Ok they weren't as tunable as the 100B karts, but they were a fraction of the cost. It seems that during my decade of absence Tal Ko has (rightly so many will say) tried to keep pace with Rotax etc in the technology stakes, causing it to lose much of its original exciting racing on a budget appeal. As budgets and expenses creap higher and higher, getting in to 2stroke has become harder and harder, allowing people to run non-homologated kit (within reason) should see in time see a return to the huge grids with exciting mid-field racing of years ago, while the truly serious people with the bigger budgets will still be out front as is the case now. From a personal point of view, I would be perfectly happy to race on a shoestring budget and have some truly great midfield battles than to a, be at the back of the field as things stand now, or b, spend a shedload and go for race wins. I think the majority of people who these changes will appeal to would be of the same mindset, they're after a bit of weekend excitement, rather than chasing championships.
Sorry for enormous post, but these proposed regulations have me all excited about TKM again and what it could mean for participation levels in the sport as a whole. Lets bring back those 30+ grids week in week out at every club meeting!