So - from what Grizzle and others say, it seems to me like the best outcome would be that somebody in authority with some sense and ba**s says that the new barrel is not legal to race and JAG have to refund purchasers money including a consideration for wasted dev time (Hah - AS IF!) I realise no-one with a stock 09 waiting to go will agree - but don't forget you are only comparing times against the quick earlier motors - not what will be possible when the best 09's are crafted. You might be quick out of the box for a round or two, but then you will have to buddy up with Mr big name engine builder to build you that special 09 motor, costing you thousands, and then if its quick, when you sell it you will expect to get some extra ££ back, starting the cycle again. Why do I say bin them? Well just playing Devils Advocate with no hard facts really, but it sounds like the 09 junior does nothing to level the playing field, which is what it was for, it just adds a significant one off cost before settling down again to the "have's" and "have not's", but now adds a new third level of "not even close" Puts me in mind of 1984 (the book not the year) unfortunately my 2 sons and I are definitely in the "Proles" category. Expect to see many "reluctant retirement sale" ads soon - with the engines at a fraction of their recent value... Shame, and we were having such an enjoyable time.