I understand the frustration of people with 'less than perfect' engines and their need to find one at a sensible price to be competitive. The advantage of the '09 barrel is supposed to be the obvious choice if the rumours of their performance are to be believed! I have to say, it's unlikely that JAG are going to turn round and tell everyone they're c**p are they!
I also understand why the 'powers that be' are looking at this very carefully. Here's a point that may be being missed. How many pre '09 motors are there in the country? I guess JAG would be in a position to answer that, 1000s probably!! All these, again if the rumours are to be believed, are now rendered useless! The average club racer, which is who this is meant to help, is now are forced into a corner and have to spend another £1800ish to buy an '09 motor to be competitive. That’s after spending probably £400-£500 on the new clutches by the time they consider drums for various size sprockets etc. Oh and of course the never ending ‘stream’ of grease for the bearing! I don’t have that sort of money to spend on another engine and why should I have to do it just because ‘the rich kid’ who hasn’t got a super fast engine needs to be faster!
This reminds me of the farce last year over the ‘try it on’ carb for Comer. Whilst the ‘golden tanned leather trouser wearing kart god’ earned enough money to buy GPR, like sheep, the average guy at the circuit was looking to be competitive and bought these carbs for little Jonny and wasted their money. The likes of Soixant bought 100s of the carbs to get the best ones for their drivers thus creating a ‘selected carb’ again which is what was trying to be stopped!
As someone said earlier in this thread, you will get the PCs and Grices of the world buying several of these engines, selecting the bits they want from them and their drivers or sell them at a premium leaving Mr Club Racer with the c**p the rich kids don’t want. Here’s an idea, why doesn’t Rotax bring out a ’10 motor which is even better and start this fiasco all over again!! Unfortunately the nature of our sport, or any sport, is that no two things are equal. Some WILL ALWAYS be better than others as stated in a previous thread. That thread, from memory, quoted over 2 HP difference on senior motors at the ‘Worlds’! That’s almost 10% difference. I was told of similar differences with a junior motor yesterday with a ‘club’ motor being a further 2 HP down on that! That’s 25% difference! How the hell can that be right or indeed good for the sport? Lets not forget that the ’09 motors apparently DO NOT COMPLY with the current fiche and a new one now has to be done. In other words, if your pre ’09 was illegal, is it now legal if it meets the new fiche?
Rant over!!