John, serious point - you said "the current position is clear and until JAG change anything we have not a lot too talk about." If that is true, why are many clubs and national events having people strip their Rotax clutches to check for grease, rather than follow JAG and ignore grease but check the kart moves forward below 3k RPM? Doesn't sound like its clear to them, and I have added to this thread (sorry) because I really do not know what to do for the best. I do not want to move into any grey legality area but we want to have the same chance as anyone else on the grid with similar skill and spending a similar amount- which I understood was sort of a fundamental edict of the Rotax philosophy. This thread may not exactly be "vox populi" but it is far from a lone voice of concern for the way Max is heading without a solid measurable way to level the playing field on the clutch issue at least. Thanks and best regards.