So it is all clear then is it?
JAG say grease on the clutch should not mean a DQ. Scrutineers are giving people DQ's for having grease on the clutch. The rules do not state that you are not allowed to put grease on the clutch. Clubs are asking drivers to strip their clutches before going out to make sure there is no grease on the clutch.
Clear as mud if you ask me! This is a complete farce. I am sick of being taken for a ride just because I enjoy karting.
Its about time we, the customer, start demanding that this farce is brought to an end. I have just been ripped off to the tune of £200 for a new Rotax clutch that is supposed to make this problem go away as grease does not affect the new clutches. Yeah rite! Wake up and smell your coffee this new clutch was never about our concerns but more about JAG's concerns about making more money out of us!
Come on JAG grow a set and tell us what the hell is going on!