thats a good point that people seeem to be overlooking chad, its obvious that a slipping clutch will wear out quicker and add to your running costs. If you want to make it easier on yourself when clutches are being checked, just remove the bearing from the clutch 1st (by using a small hook) , then you have no need to undo engine mounts or have to adjust the chain again when you re fit it,(as there is enough clearance to remove and fit the clutch once the bearing is removed) Thanks to the lads who gave me that tip last weekend. It apears that greasing of the clutch seems a bit tough to police, but maybe exclusion from the meeting for anyone found to have machined or modified the clutch in anyway may go some way to stopping cheating. Personally if you arent cheating i dont see the problem in having your clutch checked. But maybe i am alone in the fact i cant abide cheating.