Let’s clear this up once and for all.
If you race bikes then a slipper clutch is the one piece of kit you must have and they cost a lot of money, Rotax from what is being said on here, have with the help of a little grease developed and produced a slipper clutch for the price of a normal one – You would be very unlucky to find the engine was bogging down as you accelerate out of a corner, unless of course it was poorly jetted, so why are people moaning?
The rules are clear and can be followed by even the newest in the class;
1. The kart and driver at all times must move forward at, or before the engine reaches 3000rpm.
2. If grease or oil is found on any of the clutch components then that of itself is NOT a reason for technical exclusion.
3. All components must be at all times “as manufactured”
Now if you can setup your engine to accelerate out of a corner in the power band with the clutch slipping or not and comply the rules above then you are not CHEATING you have simply found the optimum engine set-up under the current rules!
NB. For compliance with point 3 above then Rotax need to publish the dimensions of the clutch components so that these can be easily checked by the scrutineers.
In the first year of KF1 slipping clutches were the norm, no one was jumping up and down shouting CHEAT but the main problem was that these clutches only lasted one race so every competitor was having to spend a lot of money on clutches and following year the CIK acted and introduced the standard clutch and dataloggers to reduce costs.
In Rotax it's not the same at all, no one is burning out clutches at the rate of one per heat/race and the clutches now used in KF1 are of a similar design to those Rotax now produce, which is why Super1 and others have said you must use the new clutch design.