Matt.... reducing the 180mph speed doesn't help THAT much as I assume you don't go MUCH over 70mph.... The new bike will do that as well..... won't it?
It's not YOUR driving that will KILL you.... it the OTHERS out there no matter WHICH bike you are on. If someone doesn't see me in my Subaru and pulls out when I am doing 30mph or so... I'll probably get bruised.... on your bike: you could D*I*E!
And trust me again, your child won't care THAT much if the mortage is paid off but he/she WILL care VERY MUCH is Dad is killed or disabled. And kids are MUCH more fun than cars, karts or bikes!
Secondly, if you are the sort of driver who bothers to GET the training (which you HAVE) then it shows you will probably drive you CAR with the same care. That STILL leaves you 42 time MORE likely to be killed than you WOULD have been in a car.... put crudely, bad driver/rider = 42 times; excellent driver/rider =42 times!
I know I sound like an old bore but you WILL understand this MUCH more once you have your new child. The world CHANGES when you are a Dad.... or it SHOULD do!
Sorry about mis-spelling Aprilia. I had corrected it from 'Aprilla' and overwrote moe that I intended... ah well.