Congratulations Matt on bringing a new generation to karting! You'll soon find out EXACTLY what being Dad is a about..... be prepared..... it's FUN but VERY life-changing..... or it should be.....
Still on a serious note.... by all means, play with your motorbikes while no one else's LIFE depended on it.... you new generation will be RELIANT on you.... you chose to bring him/her into the world and that bring responsibilities to you.... and like it or NOT... you simply no longer have the RIGHT to increase your risk of death by the utterly VAST amount of 42 times. Any more than you have the RIGHT to continue smoking (if you have been!).
Just trust me on this: having a kid is worth ANY amount of 'giving up'. You'll see in a few weeks EXACTLY what I mean.... it's going to come as a delightful shock!
But.... back on with the FUN:-
Errr.... hold on.... isn't the Max engine EXACTLY that? An engine taken from a Moped (Apilia) that had already HAD its pedals removed.....?
Respects to you, sir!