To quote John, paraphrasing JAG, quoting BRP - "Rotax have always said that the CNC barrels will bring all engines up to the same level as a "good" engine.
They all forgot to include one word.. "new" Please insert that after "all" and before "engines" Assuming the 2009 junior's pace is as good as rumoured, the rest of us with "normal" legal sealed motors are stuffed with uncompetitive motors in a class where all motors are supposedly created equal. Before now we only had the super 1 wallets to contend with, now add to that anyone who bought this year too, or shelled out for a new barrel... Thanks Rotax. Well impressed. If there was any true interest in keeping the 50,000 current owners happy rather than just creating a demand from the ones who can afford to keep following the bait, Rotax would offer to machine all existing barrels up to the same spec, then maybe anodise the ports to see they aren't changed from there... I have to be honest, I'm not holding my breath.