Good day ! I saw a neat trick which helped me remove my motor sprocket from the clutch drum. Get ahold of two hex-head bolts which are just a wee bit smaller than the holes in the clutch drum [about ½" or 12 mm] and about 2"-3" long. Push the bolts [from the inside of the drum] through two holes on opposite sides of the clutch drum and hold them and the clutch drum down onto a bench vise while tightening the jaws of the vise. The clutch drum will now be secure, allowing for the socket [mounted on a 20" breaker bar] to fit over the large nut holding the sprocket to the drum. Be careful not to lose the small "aligning pin" which keeps the sprocket from spinning on the drum. Cheaper than a "clutch/sprocket" tool. Cheers. Rick Shreiner Stockholm, Sweden