Ian may annoy you, me and others from time to time, 99% of the time it’s light hearted, but this is far outweighed by the massive contribution he has made to this board over the years, helping one and all who post on here from time to time.
God forbid one day he may leave and never post again!
Who would replace him? You?
If that’s the case then you had better be ready to answer all of those posts that ask endlessly about every aspect of karting and set aside about 3 hours per day.
I suspect from your contribution to date the answer to that one would be a big fat NO not me!
There is a simple answer to the problems of late between you and Ian, which is to resolve yourselves not to read each other’s posts, or least not comment on them, however I am sure that neither of you will.
As I have said in the past I am sure that you could make a great contribution to this board, given your achievements to date, it’s just you seem very reluctant to do so.
Your choice of taking on this board’s greatest contributor is simply not in my view for the greater good of “UK Karting”.
ps. I am sure that now, I will get it the neck from both of you! LOL