What is wrong with selecting a local filling station and taking a sample of fuel from a desegnated pump and then declaring that the pump for the meeting and all competitors buying standard pump fuel from that pump. There are fuel testing systems available now which can test fuel and identify its component values for around £15 to £20k. The MSA should purchase several of these units and either train scrutineers how to use them and send them around the clubs at random or provide trained fuel testers to attend random meetings to test fuel. You are very right in what you say about it being a specialised subject and I spent over 10 years working in this area supplying test equipment to the likes of Carless (suppliers of controlled fuel for TOCA) Shell Motorsport for testing Ferrari F1 fuel and many more of the top oil companies. The service tat Ian provides at track side is a very comprehensive service, but it is also a very expensive one to the competitor. With the current economic climate shouldn't we all be doing what we can to make our sport as affordable as possible to avoid loosing club level races as well as national championship competitors.