2 methods of doing it ,but, it may be better /easier to take it to an independant tyre fitter,if they are willing to do it for you.
1st method is "dynamic" which you need a machine for so you definitely need a company or lay out £1000s for the machine! The complete tyre wheel assembly is put on to an"axle" and spun up the machine interprates signals from the axle and weighting points indicated at set points/weights.
2nd method you need to buy a piece of threaded bar which is a GOOD FIT to your bearings inner dimension, any play will give false results,mount this in a suitable manner so that you have enough vertical clearance for your wheels to spin easily and the bar is absolutely horizontal,same rule applies it must be horizontal or a false reading will be given. Put the complete tyre /wheel assembly on it and put a locknut and washer on to prevent the wheel sliding off. Spin the wheel by hand and mark where it comes to rest(with chalk or simialr easily removeable marker) repeat this several times if the wheel stops at the same point each time the wheel is OOB and the low point is the heavy point> weight should be applied opposite (at the top) to correct any imbalance. What weight is needed? This is trial and error ,hence you affix the weight temporarily until you find the right one. Then repeat to see if it is OOB anywhere else on the wheel !
Therefore you will need to build yourself a mini test rig and loads of various weights and the tool to apply them,I don't trust self stick ones .
Conclusion : Get yourself to an independant tyre fitter who will do it for you.Unless you are going to do it regularly or work in a workshop.
Newcomer to karting but wheel balancing of bikes is a must. Hope this helps.