Only if your weight distribution is TOO far back.
The 'ideal' is always quoted at between 40:60% and 45:55% for the weight balance when FULLY loaded with you, the fuel, the helmet etc..
You do NOT need 'corner weighting' kits. I have suggested the methods LOADS of times, if you don't know these methods, please repost and I'll cut and paste again.
However, if you have NOT been altering your weight balance as THE most important tuning aid.... then that may WELL explain your problem of the 'classes'... especially if you are as short as suggested by Michael.
However, this stuff is ALL just 'words'! Test it for yourself!
The easiest method is simply to lean FORWARDS in your seat by as little is 6 inches and FEEL the utterely STAGGERING transformation in handling! You will NEVER have any understeer but the back of the kart will be COMPLETELY uncontrollable! Be ready to catch the ensuing spin! It's bad enough in a TKM but with an ICC......... oh boy!
When you have tried it, ask yourself.... 'if THAT changed the handling SO much, what WOULD happen if I moved the weight backward.... even a FRACTION?' Be prepared to be SHOCKED!
Honeestkly, if you've not tried it before, you will ber AMAZED! Now you know how some people NEVER have understeer in the rain while others have no END of problems.