A TT-ported [or better still D-ported] Hewland Arrow will leave a BT82 for dead - and not just at the top end either.
I had several Hewland Arrows back in the 1980s and had nothing but trouble with them. I appreciate that those I ran had every conceivable bit of tuning you could do done to them including the 5-porting, and were absolutely on the limit, but there was too much bottom end trouble [rods, big ends and cranks].
A safe starting point for a Hewland, or indeed any 100cc rotary valve motor running a Tillotson carb is one and a half on the high jet and one and a quarter on the low speed jet. The kart should start and run under these settings. If you need to lean in more to get running, then its likely you've a problem some place else - needle valve on carb, oil seals, plug/ignition etc...