Errr.... how can you doubt that it's the 'oil seals' if you DON'T know what they ARE?????
The oil seals are two, CHEAP, rings of rubber which are mounted into the crank case on either end of the crank. They prevent pressure escaping from the crank case on the bottom end compression cycle and air being sucked IN on the crankcase DE-compression cycle! If they have NOT been replaced VERY recently, then it is HIGHLY likely to be them that's the problem.
They can be replaced simply be removing the 'rotor' of the MotoPlat/etc. and the sprocket. Look it up on the net. They are CRUCIAL and it is IMPERATIVE that these are in PERFECT condition. Without that, all bets are OFF. You will be able to do the job yourself for under £10 or pay somepone to do it for you for a little more.