hi guys was thinking about just getting a cheap kart,used to have a parilla 100cc kart a while ago for car parks etc but want to get into some form of motorsport,was thinking about xr challenge but love karting and was thinking rotax max but to be honest havent got a big budget being a married man with two kids!,i like the idea that you can rebuild the engines as well on tkm as im a mechanic by trade so got plenty of tools and rebuilt a few of these engines with mates in the past,nice and simple,gonna be looking around £500-£600 for the kart,would that get me a decent race ready kart,i have to have a clutched one as well as i dont like the dd,ive been reading different comments but thats what i want,wheres a good place to look for kit as well like clothing and whats the grids like for extreme at 3s?