'The days of "attack the post, not the poster" seem long gone, so I gave up because if my opinion differed with someone else I was flamed. '
That's exactly what I was trying to point out earlier in the thread. I know other people who don't bother voicing an opinion on FB any more, just not worth the aggro.
One other thing to note is that if you're self employed and have a business reputation that you want to protect, well Facebook is not the place to get into arguments when your customers can see everything you do. Take Brexit for instance, you wouldn't want to say you're for or against it in any conversation because you know that half the people would agree with you and half not, the half not may not want to buy your products or services if they are able to see your personal opinions, drinking habits etc. Just not worth the risk.
On here you're customers will not come searching for you, so no fear of saying the wrong thing (unless it's karting related business), so I think the discussion and opinions is much freer and like has been said posts rarely get deleted.
It's not just opinions, say I'm trying to explain to one of my customers that I have to charge more money to cover my costs, then they see me on Facebook kart racing and talking about paying £140 on tyres etc...well it doesn't look good does it? it's a free world but it's not something I want my customers knowing about what I get up to so I imagine many other people are the same.
Maybe the forum will make a comeback, I'm going to post all my questions on here from now on : )