I don’t see how limiting numbers at S1 would benefit clubs?
As for top 3 club finish to qualify this would rule out many good drivers. Having said this there should be some sort of entry criteria other than license level as there are many younger drivers in S1 that do not have a level of experience which one would expect of a national Driver.
Not trying to sound elitist just it seems to be nowadays that parents get their drivers the kit then pretty much they are straight in at the deep end. Not much working at things, nope we will just jump straight into TVKC or Whilton etc where the grids are arguably the most competitive and then once they’ve done enough meetings to get an A upgrade they’re at S1.
Yes everyone (who wants to) has to do S1 for the 1st time and are rookies but maybe once they’ve had a couple of years experience working their way up the club grids unless of course they can show that speed and racecraft is present.
As for club support it all depends what your focus is for the year, we used to do hkrc but have missed it for a year or two as there were clashes with other things, this year we are back as it fits with our calendar.
If you make the event attractive people will come, not because they can’t go elsewhere but because they want to........ and surely that’s what clubs are looking for, not attendees due to lack of other options?