A few years ago I stood in at very late notice for a team that needed another driver. The experience was so good, I've raced at every OEKC event I've been able to since.
The clubman team I run with operate at a cost of £600 per round which includes everything....even the fuel in the van to get there. We know that we could change our strategy slightly and run at nearer to £500 a round too. I think you'd struggle to run a prokart in endurance at that price (Our team all run pro-karts too so we know what it costs to keep them reliable).
If you've never been to an OEKC event I'd recommend you get yourself along to one and see how it is run. Lots of friendly help and advice, and it's not unusual for competitors to loan out parts to keep you going in a race.
For a first race, I'd suggest hiring a ProMax from GMS - they're quick and usually finish ahead of some senior max teams.