Trying to get karters signed up for a dream really £35,000 rumoured ,with a few free drives to promote its success ???, plus Super One with John Hoyle has stayed well supported and people have gone on to better and bigger things from it so a bit of a duplicate /alternative possibly one diluting the other plus a recession in Motorsport generally. FKS were next to us at Kartmania in November, they were in The Kart Boot pit garage (FOC) not in the main hall upstairs (you had to pay to be up there, or politically placed there according to them,!!),it was a poor show from them anyhow ,a dimly lit FKS awning/display (thats not listed either hmm)and a lady who said it was too cold and went off Sat never to be seen again when it was all singing and dancing upstairs and was well presented,!!! Just a complete lack of presentation with just a Ginetta Jnr car sat in the corner ,"reap what you sow springs" to mind ,very sad for those who stumped up .