Hi there, my 6 year old son has just started in the bambino class. While I have been impressed by his enthusiasm and excitement especially in the wet, he likes the feeling of the kart sliding around, I've noticed some basic flaws in his driving skills. Now I understand that he is only 2 races in and it's only his third time in the kart but I'm mindful that I don't want him to learn the wrong way early on then have to undo and learn again. An example is he goes barrelling into to every corner as fast as he can and when the kart gets out of shape he applies the brakes, quick entry slow exit. I would like to see him learn the opposite slower in quicker out. Now here's the conundrum, do I say go and have fun and enjoy yourself and let him work it out for himself and try not to be a know it all dad or do I try to explain some of the basic concepts of karting so hes learning the right why (if there is one). Is there good schooling available or what have others done with their children to improve their ability. Ps he's very competitive and gets really frustrated when he doesn't win but hasn't quite understood the match between technique and lap time....thanks and be supportive please