Both posts are 'correct', they are just addressing the same thing from slightly different angles. I don't regard your post as contradiction, but as a clarification of how closely we both agree and differ.
You may present testimony in support of your case when you make a complaint, but of course if, in the opinion of the official, such testimony comes from a tainted source, then they are equally right to refuse to take it into account.
Their problem is the knowledge that video testimony, without a chain of evidence, may be challenged and declared inadmissible any time a lawyer gets involved in the case.
Which would a driver prefer, to spend time in the CoC's office reviewing information that has a high chance of being discounted, or for the official to say that because the chain of evidence has been lost, that testimony may be totally useless, no matter what it contains.
The point I was making is that there are good reasons for tHe CoCs attitude, it isn't just MSA intransigence, incompetence or arrogance. As others have shown, where the chain of evidence is intact, the camera has been taken from the kart by an official at the end of the race (heat or final) then it can and has been used.
Yes, it is a real pain when there's a 'simple answer, just look at my camera footage' but the MSA and club officials have to bear in mind that relying on that evidence alone probably won't be defensible several months or years into the future when the case has gone to a national hearing.
There are a lot of issues buried in here: Should the official tell you that although you have the right to present video testimony, they might have to discount it, or should he just tell you that he cannot accept the information knowing that the chain of evidence has been lost.?
Should we allow 'lawyers' even at the national level? (Tongue a bit in cheek here)
Should 'club events' on a National B licence have a second tier justice system, without the right to appeal 'outside the meeting'?
Should the club have a 'chain of evidence' procedure whereby a driver who thinks he might have a protest has his camera voluntarily impounded when he comes in from a race.?
Should there be a regulation addressing the issue of 'taint'?
and so on; some of these proposals are clearly non-starters to me, club officials are overworked already, I cannot imagine the scrutineers have time to impound, and record, download and re-issue (?)the cameras for every driver who feels they might have a grievance. Yet others may feel that this would be time /effort well spent. Though I doubt that they will be volunteering to do the duty for 'their' club, it will be "someone else's job".
As so often with karting, it isn't just a black and white problem or solution and we shouldn't pretend it is.