I agree that the club did very well getting through the amount of races and finishing on time.
However I think that there was an element of greed by committing to that many classes to start with. Also practice was cut short at 2:30 to allow for the NKRA final. Unfortunately although we were only charged £20 for the mornings practice, the overall cost of being there for a weekend is not cut in half. Most people would have preferred the full day at the full amount.
Another discussion point amongst the cadet dads was what is the solution to the amount of cadet red flags. Some suggestions were 5 heats or timed qualifying, A &B leagues (as in football ), split honda and IAME
From my observation it seams that fast kids starting behind slower kids is a problem. A lot of blocking and driving whilst looking over their shoulders was witnessed (before I'm slated for that comment, I will point out that my lad fits the slower category!) it would be interesting to hear what other clubs do for large grids to avoid carnage and kids driving beyond their ability.
As I said though overall the club did brilliantly getting through the day despite these challenges. Also it is correct that Jo Martin has stepped down which is a massive blow for the club in my opinion.