NKRA /MSA Northern inc Scotland,RIP,you had it all,over 50 F.Blues at least available for racing at Larkhall /Hooton/ GYG/ and MBKC @ 3 Sisters every month and "you" BLUE it !!! Pig headedness,stuborness,acting like god,greed,renaging on agreements,not getting on with club and circuit owners, doesn't work up here drivers voted with their feet and walked !!! "What would you like to see changed......" HOW can you change anything when its the importer,spares,controller of the series,eligibilty guru,rule changer 3 times in a year, man in charge, its "Ronsworld" = me no listen. Starters £135 when a £25 Chinese one works better,£600 digital (still crap ,no warranty from Planet or Selletra I have 7 faulty stators))inferior, wear out quicker than genuine IAME parts,sad really and before "SIMON S" comes back at me I do Know the facts as my driver was the regional co-ordinator,my friend took over and was crapped on by RON,and I along with LIBRE origionally started F.Blue NKRA with MBKC at 3 Sisters up here, when we had the big grids,we warned Ron and the NKRA over numerous issues but boy were they so so not interested as it was the halcyon days of Blue. So what you are saying is if I turn up at 3 Sisters for the rounds,and shoot across the country to Sheffield to Wombwell,being over 66 yrs of age just driving round on my own I could be NKRA "Northern Veteran/Vintage/Master Champion,how sad its come to that for the NKRA.