My dispute is over the squish test for the Comer W60. So the test does not require the seal to be broken.
Five different measurements were taken and all 5 different. Two of which were larger than the 1mm required.
My argument is that measuring the squish with what is supposed to be a 2mm piece of solder is a very subjective measurement.
Firstly you are measuring a tapered edge, so the further out you go, the smaller it will get. The point of measurement, the ‘centre’ of the taper was not determined from either end . So how can one be assured that the true centre is being measured.
Secondly, you are measuring a very soft material – the more you squeeze it, the smaller it will get. As you will no doubt know, you don’t have to squeeze a vernier very hard at all, even on hard materials to achieve different measurements.
The engine has just come back from a VERY reputable engine builder and only done 2 ½ hours so very little carbon would have been built up.