I opted for an ActionPro which I bought in the US for ~£70: http://www.ebay.com/itm/Astak-ActionPro-CM-7200-1080p-HD-5MP-Sports-Action-Waterproof-Camera-/370754422659. It seemed like reasonable value as it includes the mounts, waterproof case, memory card and remote. There are video comparisons on YouTube if you wanted to check it out.
I've had it 3 weeks and used it twice - once on a rollercoaster without the waterproof case where it was very good and a single time karting where it was nassau mounted and suffered from a lot of vibration. I am going to try and dampen some of that and, if all else fails, helmet mount it. It is worth noting that whilst fine for noisy karts, the waterproof case kills most normal sound (speech is just a muffle) although the biggest gotcha is that the camera must be switched on before inserted into the case as the case has no 'On' button!!! I switch it on and fix it in the case before entering the pits and use the remote to start recording just before getting onto the track.