Saturday practice at Shenington has always tended to be rather over crowded resulting in fewer or shorter sessions. In many ways from the driver perspective the system at Whilton of only allowing drivers who were racing on Sunday 9Except where a class did not have a full grid) to preactice on Saturday seemed much better. However, Shenington has been one of the clubs running the `try it for a £5' scheme to attract new drivers into karting - a good thing. Shenington also has only a limited number of weekends a year when they are allowed to hold meetings and are very restricted on additional practice days - far more so thana Whilton. Like all clubs, they need to recruit new drivers and that means allowing drivers to practice for their ARKS and generally gain experience and so we have extra drivers on Saturdays. The club could restrict the number of classes or the number of entries to each class but how would you feel if it was your class that they dropped! Maybe have a minimum entry per class of say 15-20 might help but then you may get an email a few days before the meetring saying your class is cancelled and be faced with a late entry fee at another club plus a long journey and associated travel costs. Even having a maximum entry per class (one full grid of 30ish) would upset some. How would you feel, as a club member. if you send in your entry before the closing date and it comes back marked "class full". Have you put any proposals about how to improve the situation forward at the club AGM as you are a member?