I am a cadet dad - whose son has been in Hondas since Jan. Great things about hondas is its cheapish, apart from having to clean the carb out once - that has been my total sum of engine issues. Overall, its a fantastic class with good grids at our local tracks. The kids at the front (and we are not) seem every bit as good as the kids at the front of Comers, but prob lacking the big motorhomes and flashy stickers.
THe biggest prob with Honda's is this dark art of these SP engines that swap hands for at least £2k and some as much as £5k. This is the BIGGEST downside to the class. They should make it the simple £500 rules that allow any suspect engines to be bought simply. Sure, you may get some crazy parents who will spend £2000 to sell an engine for £500, but hearing the sacrafices some have to make, I doubt it.
So me and other parents are now left with the choicec of do I buy one of these £2000 motors off another parent and hope it finds that precious half a second and then be left holding a £2k engine that will be dumbed down in 2013 anyway but either weight (we are current on 20kgs) or some form of air restrictor? Or just order the IAME engine and take a chance.
If the £500 clubman engine rule was in place for hondas then I would never think of leaving the class, but I cant see us buying two or three expensive Hondas when clearly the MSA want another engine to dominate.
I have ordered a IAME - and suspect many others will do so also.