I agree Minimax would be the next logical step Supercadet hasn't really established itself yet. Note the chassis and driver weight is 135KG so ideally your driver needs to weight atleast 40KG. We has been running minimax on a tight budget for two seasons. We run 10 races a year and spend about £3500 PA. Going to Minimax will be a steep learning curve and your driver is going to need to relearn throttle control! To run at the front will cost mega bucks - depending where you race- we are at TVKC and can't get near the top drivers/teams. I would suggest a smaller club if you are after any silverware( Rissy or Forest Edge, GYG)A secondhand kart and engine will cost from £1500 upwards- note that some chassis run better on the MOJO tyres than others-just look on the grids. Minimax is easy on the engine you can run 25 hours on a top end and 40 hours+ on the bottom end- A race weekend wouldn't run more than 1.5 hours. Top end builds are from £300 and full builds about £550- I woundn't waste money on Dyno's . Tyres £130 slicks £150 wets we use second hand tyres for practice and run a new set over two meets.
hope this helps