Hi, last weekend my 10 year old's power wing scooter (£130 worth) went missing from Hooton. I am sure someone has put it in their van etc by mistake and probably don't even realise they now have two of them. For those of you who don't know what a Power Wing is, it is a v shaped black and red thing with a small front wheel and two rear castors and the kids have to wiggle them along - looks a bit silly! I would be really grateful if anyone one who was at Hooton last weekend, especially cadet racing, could check to see if they have acquired one by mistake. Can I just say that despite the loss of our Power Wing Scooter we had a great weekend - friendly atmosphere, very well organised as usual, and a safe and fun place to take kids. A big thanks to Bob and the rest of his team. If you can all ask around and let me know if it turns up I would be most grateful. You can contact me on 07525 071841. Thanks!