Peter, would you care to expand on what precisely your concerns are regarding safety and the Aixro?
As someone who has raced an Aixro on a couple of occasions I feel that they are perfectly safe on short circuits, I would be interested in hearing them.
Quite how or why the Aixro has developed the reputation for being too powerful for a short circuit I don't understand, it isn't, yes it is quick, but it is still roughly on par with a SKF performance wise.
Yes you wouldn't really want to let a complete novice out in one, but in the hands of an experienced driver, they are fine, on some circuits the Aixro is slightly quicker than a SKF, and other circuits it's vice-versa.
As Kai had alluded to in his posts, it's not about outright speed with the Aixro, it is about the driving and ownership pleasure of the motor.
As the Aixro motors are all bolted to ICC chassis there is no issue with the chassis not being able to cope with the power, neither is there an issue with lack of stopping power for it either.
The Aixro guys have been racing them in their own private series for near on two years now, with not a single on track injury incident to date, power is not the issue here.
Hopefully I'll see you over the coming weekend if you would like to chat some more about them.