A big thanks to everyone that attended the inaugural H4H Festival, the club is still counting the funds raised but from teh auction, raffle and Army Catering Corps food we expect to be up close to £15000 for Help for Heroes!
http://www.kartingkorner.co.uk/gallery2/main.php?g2_itemId=13848 pictures from the weekend can be found in link above, well done to all who made the trolley race so fun, to the Army who provided full field catering all weekend and the Saturday night curry, to Tiff Needell who hotfooted it back from Goodwood for trophies and all the drivers and families who made the event so special.
Dartford, Thatcham, McLaren F1, Coles Racing, JNJ, RG Racing, Vinneys, ABkC, Prokart Engineering, RS Racing etc who all dug deep and sponsored the MOST impressive of perpetual trophies.
The auction with gifts from, JAG, Ogden, Robinson Sport, KKC, BKC, Ravensport, Dunlop, Gillard, RS Racing, Prokart Engineering, Len Price, Ultimate Airbrush, Ginetta,Karting Magazine,Kart Parts, Tabor, Mr Latif, project One, Kart David....... on its own raised over £4000 over the two days..
Next year ithe event will be bigger and better, double the Army catering area on site, not clashing with Goodwood and a year for the club to get even more donations to the Help 4 Heroes Charity!!
Only bad point was the wind which meant the Red Devils were unable to jump:-( They are confirming this week for the August meeting so lets hope for a wind free day at 5000 feet!
Thank you from the Club to all the sponsors, donaters and especially the Army Logistics Catering Corps who all gave up their weekend to feed the 5000!!!