From alan turney:
Just received this from TV people:----
TKM Festival – Sky 1 hour with 2/ Elite & 4/ Junior and Senior only
Wednesday November 4th 2009 – SkySports 3 – 8pm
Thursday November 5th 2009 – SkySports 3 – 1am
Thursday November 5th 2009 – SkySports 3 & HD3 – 10am
Thursday November 5th 2009 - SkySports Xtra - 2pm
The times are fractionally different to what i originally sent, and due to live games, may change still, look for Summer Speed, the EPG says Kartmasters but i promise it will be you! I hadnt been informed of any changes so looked it up on the web, Skysports for you!
Motors TV - 1hour 30mins showing with ALL finals including Festivals and Vets and Heavies First programme on November 21st and the guide for the times and repeats will be available next week. I'll let you know when the PDF is sent to me.