Hi Buzzin,
Sounds like you have quite a lot of damp in the front panel, probably from a poor seal in the front window. In answer to your question, it can be repaired but its not easy as Caravans are built from the inside out. I wouldn't use expanding foam as it may literally blow the front of the caravan off, and it still wont give you the strength you need! The best thing is the pull the inner panels off and have a look. What you'll usually find is strips or wood and in between them are slabs of polystyrene. If this is the case remove the polystyrene and then just replace the rotten sections with some roof batten. Its fairly easy and you just need to cut bits of wood to fit. The advantage then is if you screw it together it will be much stronger than the original. Afterwards just fit the covers back over or byu some hardboard and fit it in once you've cut it to fit.
Hope this helps.